Iron therapy in patients with heart failure and iron deficiency

In patients with heart failure and a reduced ejection fraction, iron deficiency is common. It is therefore recommended to screen for iron deficiency in these patients by measuring levels of ferritin and transferrin saturation. Importantly, specific thresholds of these laboratory  values have been defined to establish the diagnosis. Once, iron deficiency has been diagnosed, iron stores should be replenished. Of note, oral iron supplementation is usually ineffective due to its poor absorption. Therefore, intravenous iron supplementation is the therapeutic approach of choice, and it has been proven to be safe and effective.

The majority of evidence is related to the intravenous iron preparation ferric carboxymaltose. A newer alternative is ferric derisomaltose. Typically, intravenous iron is administered via an infusion of iron dissolved in 100 mL of saline, in doses of 500 mg to 1000 mg. The duration of the infusion is about 15 min. It can be safely delivered both in hospital and ambulatory settings. Intravenous iron supplementation has been proven to reduce the symptoms of heart failure, improve quality of life, increase exercise capacity and skeletal muscle strength as well as reduce the risk of recurrent hospitalisations.

The replenishment of the iron status should be rechecked by a blood test approximately 3 months after the last administered dose.

Intravenous iron that may be used in heart failure

  • Ferric carboxymaltose
  • Ferric derisomaltose

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ESC Guidelines for Heart Failure

What patients need to know

This guide for patients from the European Society of Cardiology aims to provide an overview of the latest evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of heart failure.

In particular, it should help patients to understand the:

  • main types of heart failure
  • medicines used to treat heart failure
  • devices that may be appropriate
  • importance of rehabilitation
  • management by a multidisciplinary team
  • importance of self-care in managing your own condition

Learn more


A series of 9 simple, captivating animations explaining heart failure and its treatment.

These narrated animations explain how a healthy heart works, what happens to it in heart failure and how various treatments work to improve your health.


In this section you can watch, listen or read interviews with other people with heart failure and their caregivers.


and share your own views and experiences with other patients, families and caregivers. is a European Society of Cardiology website

The website was developed under the direction of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). The ESC is a world leader in the discovery and dissemination of best practices in cardiovascular medicine. Our members and decision-makers are healthcare professionals who volunteer their time and expertise to represent professionals in the field of cardiology in Europe and beyond.

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